Weekend Ride - March 15th

Hello Bikers!

  We shall have our next training ride on Saturday March 15th from Wilmot Gateway Park, Woodenville to University of Washington (around 30 miles round trip). Please find the map for the ride here.

We will meet at 9 AM sharp from the start point. Please make sure that you arrive early enough to address any issues with your bike or gear. 

  • The weather forecast predicts light showers with cloudy weather on Saturday. Please make sure that you have a rain jacket to combat the cold.
  • Although the temperature is in high 50's, the wind chill on bicycles will make it "feel like" high 40's. It is recommended that you wear full-length gloves and other winter apparel.
  • Carry at least one water bottle with you. This is a good time to see which energy drink (Gatorade/Nuun etc) suits you the best. Different people have different taste and health choices; hence it is recommended that you dial down to the choice most suitable to you early enough in shorter training rides.
  • Also carry energy bars for instant energy. We will not stop for lunch at the halfway point, so carry some snacks with you if you need nourishment along the trail.
  • As we approach UW, the trail passes through residential areas with STOP signs. The cross traffic has the right-of-way, especially cars. Please stop at those signs and allow other vehicles (cars, pedestrians) to cross the trail. You will be liable for a traffic ticket if you are stopped by a cop for not following the traffic signs. 
  • The path from Kenmore (Log Boom Park) to UW is slightly hilly with an up gradient going towards UW, so make sure you also understand the gears on your bikes. We can do a 5 minute practice drill in parking lot before we set out for the ride.
  • Speaking of which, parking is limited at the Wilmot Gateway park. We usually park in the parking across the street that is adjacent to the softball/baseball field.

See you on Saturday!!



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